Historized COVID-19 Vaccination Data API

A JSON-API serving COVID-19 vaccination monitoring data published by the RKI.

# RKI Vaccination Monitoring

⚠️ Currently undergoind refactoring due to major data source change, updating data will be back soon, see #13 (opens new window) for details.

goodtables.io (opens new window)

Project to archive and track the state level vaccination data (opens new window) published by the Robert-Koch-Institut daily.

🏗️ A work in progress.

Experimental visualization: Observable Notebook (opens new window)

# The API

A simple Vercel-hosted API is available at api.vaccination-tracker.app/v1/ (opens new window).

A plain request will respond with the full dataset de-vaccinations, paginated with 1000 entries per page.

# Resources

Data Package Resources: resources listed in datapackage.json are exposed and can be accesses via

GET https://api.vaccination-tracker.app/v1/<resource-name>

e.g. GET https://api.vaccination-tracker.app/v1/de-vaccinations, currently available sets:

  • de-vaccinations: historized data as json
  • de-vaccination-current: currently published version as json
  • de-population-current: population data from DeStatis

# Changelog

  • Jan 4, 2021: Adds quote and population fields for comparison between different geo's
  • Jan 18, 2021: Complete refactor due to overhauled excel structure and additional data

# Pagination

Add page=2 & per_page=100 (defaults: 1 and 1000)

Make sure to adapt these to your type of request.

# Filter / Values for de-vaccinations and de-vaccinations-current

By column: <key>=<value>, e.g. ?key=sum&geo=Hamburg to only get summery values for the state of Hamburg

Most columns can be suffixed by _initial and _booster from Jan 18 onward for more detailed values on the initial vaccination as well as the booster shots.

Values for key

  • sum: All vaccinations
  • sum_initial_biontech / sum_initial_moderna: Number of vaccinations in intial round for respective vaccinations by BioNTech or Moderna
  • delta_vortag: Delta to the previous reported day
  • quote_initial / quote_booster: rate of vaccination per 100, only on entries with where key is sum
  • ind_alter: Indication by age
  • ind_med: Indication by medical condition
  • ind_prof: Indication by profession
  • ind_pflege: Indication by residents of nursing homes

Other filters

  • geo: German state name or Germany for national data
  • geotype: either state for all states or nation for Germany entries
  • population: number of residents in geo
  • Note: filtering by date is not supported yet and only available in de-vaccinations

# Example

Example request and response for all vaccinations by medical condition and publishing date in the state of Baveria:

twesterhuys@book ~ % curl --request GET 'https://api.vaccination-tracker.app/v1/de-vaccinations?key=ind_med&geo=Bayern'

  "dataset": "de-vaccinations",
  "time": "2021-01-04T12:49:20",
  "last_update": "2021-01-03T11:32",
  "last_published": "2021-01-04T11:32",
  "applied_filter": [{
    "geo": "Bayern"
  }, {
    "key": "ind_med"
  "per_page": 1000,
  "page": 0,
  "data": [{
    "date": "2020-12-27T00:00:00.000Z",
    "geo": "Bayern",
    "key": "ind_med",
    "iso-cc": "DE",
    "geotype": "state",
    "value": 68,
    "population": 13124737,
    "quote": null
  }, {
    "date": "2020-12-28T00:00:00.000Z",
    "geo": "Bayern",
    "key": "ind_med",
    "iso-cc": "DE",
    "geotype": "state",
    "value": 91,
    "population": 13124737,
    "quote": null
  }, {
    "date": "2020-12-29T00:00:00.000Z",
    "geo": "Bayern",
    "key": "ind_med",
    "iso-cc": "DE",
    "geotype": "state",
    "value": 214,
    "population": 13124737,
    "quote": null
  }, {
    "date": "2020-12-30T00:00:00.000Z",
    "geo": "Bayern",
    "key": "ind_med",
    "iso-cc": "DE",
    "geotype": "state",
    "value": 424,
    "population": 13124737,
    "quote": null
  }, {
    "date": "2020-12-31T00:00:00.000Z",
    "geo": "Bayern",
    "key": "ind_med",
    "iso-cc": "DE",
    "geotype": "state",
    "value": 718,
    "population": 13124737,
    "quote": null
  }, {
    "date": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "geo": "Bayern",
    "key": "ind_med",
    "iso-cc": "DE",
    "geotype": "state",
    "value": 718,
    "population": 13124737,
    "quote": null
  }, {
    "date": "2021-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
    "geo": "Bayern",
    "key": "ind_med",
    "iso-cc": "DE",
    "geotype": "state",
    "value": 1091,
    "population": 13124737,
    "quote": null
  }, {
    "date": "2021-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
    "geo": "Bayern",
    "key": "ind_med",
    "iso-cc": "DE",
    "geotype": "state",
    "value": 1280,
    "population": 13124737,
    "quote": null

# The Data Package

  1. Daily GitHub Action running a Frictionless Data Package Pipeline as defined in pipeline-spec.yaml. Currently run manually, to be automated based on changes to RKI website (opens new window)
  2. Resulting in a combined CSV and current day CSV
  3. Metadata and validation can be done via data validate on datapackage.json
  4. D3.js visualization of data

# Updating the data

Either trigger the GitHub action "Update Data Package" (opens new window) or run locally

# Get the code
git clone https://github.com/n0rdlicht/rki-vaccination-scraper.git
cd rki-vaccination-scraper

# Activate a virtual environment and install dependencies
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -Ur requirements.txt

# Run all pipelines

# or
make update # Fetch and merge todays data with existing data

# Validate Data Package (requires goodtables)
make validate

# To deactivate virtual environment